- incarnational
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Wikipedia foundation.
incarnational — | ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷|nāshənəl, shnəl adjective : of, relating to, or emphasizing incarnation or a doctrine of incarnation an incarnational religion … Useful english dictionary
Incarnational humanism — The idea of an incarnational humanism was not coined recently. It makes explicit a type of Christian humanism which affirms the value and essential goodness of human reason and human culture and may be as old as humanism itself. Certainly there… … Wikipedia
incarnational — adjective see incarnation … New Collegiate Dictionary
incarnational — in·car·na·tion·al … English syllables
incarnation — incarnational, adj. /in kahr nay sheuhn/, n. 1. an incarnate being or form. 2. a living being embodying a deity or spirit. 3. assumption of human form or nature. 4. the Incarnation, (sometimes l.c.) Theol. the doctrine that the second person of… … Universalium
Ayyavazhi mythology — Part of the series on Ayyavazhi Theology … Wikipedia
Timeline of Ayyavazhi history — The purpose of this chronology is to give a detailed account of Ayyavazhi from the beginning of the incarnational events of Vaikundar to the present time. Question marks on dates indicate approximate dates. A star (*) indicates the mentioning of… … Wikipedia
Anglicanism — Part of a series on the Anglican Communion … Wikipedia
Ambala Pathi — ( ta. அம்பல பதி), also called as Pallathu pathi or Moolakunda pathi is one of the primary pathi of the Ayyavazhi, and the second important pilgrim centers of Ayyavazhi, and the place where Ayya Vaikundar is said to have unified all divine power… … Wikipedia
The Salvation Army Firecrest Missioners Center — Firecrest is a new initiative by The Salvation Army U.S.A. Southern Territory. Its purpose is to plant mission teams in urban settings with the goal of building a viable faith community in that neighborhood.The Firecrest program trains teams of… … Wikipedia