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Uropygial — U ro*pyg i*al, a. [See {Uropygium}.] (Anat.) Of or pertaining to the uropygium, or prominence at the base of the tail feathers, in birds. [1913 Webster] {Uropygial gland}, a peculiar sebaceous gland at the base of the tail feathers in most birds … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
uropygial — uropygial, iale, iaux [ yrɔpiʒjal, jo ] adj. • 1846; de 2. uro et pyge ♦ Zool. Du croupion des oiseaux. Plumes uropygiales. uropygial, ale, aux [yʀopiʒjal, o] adj. ÉTYM. 1834, dict. de Jourdan; de 2. uro , pyge « fesse, croupion », et suff. (i)al … Encyclopédie Universelle
uropygial — uropygial, ale ou uropygien, ienne (u ro pi ji al, a l ou u ro pi jiin, jiè n ) adj. Qui se rapporte au croupion. • Les plumes uropygiales, CH. DUMONT Dict. des sc. nat. t. XVI, p. 120. Glande uropygienne, la glande sébacée du croupion des… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Uropygial gland — Uropygial U ro*pyg i*al, a. [See {Uropygium}.] (Anat.) Of or pertaining to the uropygium, or prominence at the base of the tail feathers, in birds. [1913 Webster] {Uropygial gland}, a peculiar sebaceous gland at the base of the tail feathers in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
uropygial gland — n. a large gland located at the base of the tail in most birds, that secretes an oil used in preening … English World dictionary
Uropygial gland — The uropygial gland, or, more informally, the preen gland is a gland found in the large majority of birds that secretes an oil (preen oil) that birds use for preening. The chief compounds of preen oil are diester waxes called uropygiols.The gland … Wikipedia
uropygial — /yoor euh pij ee euhl/, adj. Ornith. of or pertaining to the uropygium. [1865 70; UROPYGI(UM) + AL1] * * * … Universalium
uropygial — uro·pyg·i·al … English syllables
uropygial — /jurəˈpɪdʒiəl/ (say yoohruh pijeeuhl) adjective of or relating to the uropygium. {uropygi(um) + al1} …
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