- quasi-rent
The income earned, in excess of post-investment opportunity cost, by a sunk cost investment.
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Quasi-rent — is an analytical term in economics, for the income earned, in excess of post investment opportunity cost, by a sunk cost investment. Alfred Marshall (1842 1924) was the first to observe quasi rents. In general, an economic rent is the difference… … Wikipedia
quasi rent — noun : revenue in excess of cost received from a service other than land use … Useful english dictionary
rent — rent1 rentability, n. rentable, adj. /rent/, n. 1. a payment made periodically by a tenant to a landlord in return for the use of land, a building, an apartment, an office, or other property. 2. a payment or series of payments made by a lessee to … Universalium
Economic rent — is the difference between what a factor of production is paid and how much it would need to be paid to remain in its current use.There are multiple mechanisms that can create economic rent: political contrivance, network effect, monopoly power,… … Wikipedia
Resource rent — In economics, rent is a surplus value after all costs and normal returns have been accounted for, i.e. the difference between the price at which an output from a resource can be sold and its respective extraction and production costs, including… … Wikipedia
Natural monopoly — A monopoly describes a situation where all (or most) sales in a market are undertaken by a single firm. A natural monopoly by contrast is a condition on the cost technology of an industry whereby it is most efficient (involving the lowest long… … Wikipedia
Positional good — Positional goods are products and services whose value is mostly (if not exclusively) a function of their ranking in desirability, in comparison to substitutes. The extent to which a good s value depends on such a ranking is referred to as its… … Wikipedia
Principles of Economics (Marshall) — Principles of Economics [cite book |title=Principles of Economics| last=Marshall |first=Alfred| authorlink=Alfred Marshall |edition=Revised Edition |year=1920 |location=London |publisher=Macmillan; reprinted by Prometheus Books |isbn=1573921408]… … Wikipedia
КВАЗИРЕНТА — (quasi rent) Плата за эксплуатацию производственного фактора, которая в среднесрочном периоде выглядит как рента (rent). Если рента уплачивается за пользование землей, т.е. за эксплуатацию природного ресурса, то квазирента – это плата за… … Экономический словарь
Экономическая рента — ECONOMIC RENT Плата за использование того или иного фактора производства, превосходящая минимальную плату за отказ от его использования альтернативным образом. Эта минимальная плата известна под названием «альтернативный доход»… … Словарь-справочник по экономике