- coccolithophore
Any of many minute mostly marine planktonic biflagellated organisms with brown chromatophores and complex calcareous, less commonly siliceous, shells.
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coccolithophore — ● coccolithophore nom masculin Algue chrysophycée unicellulaire de haute mer, très abondante au large de certains estuaires (Sénégal) et caractérisée par les écailles microscopiques ou coccolithes qui la recouvrent. (Les coccolithes du crétacé… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Coccolithophore — Coccolithaceae The coccolithophore Gephyrocapsa oceanica Scientific classification Domain: Eukaryota … Wikipedia
coccolithophore — [ˌkɒkə(ʊ) lɪθəfɔ:] noun Biology a single celled planktonic flagellate that secretes a calcareous shell. [Order Coccolithophorida.] Derivatives coccolithophorid noun & adjective … English new terms dictionary
coccolithophore — coc·co·lith·o·phore … English syllables
coccolithophore — … Useful english dictionary
Ocean acidification — Change in sea water acidity pH caused by anthropogenic CO2 between the 1700s and the 1990s Ocean acidification is the name given to the ongoing decrease in the pH and increase in acidity of the Earth … Wikipedia
Algal bloom — Algal blooms can present problems for ecosystems and human society An algal bloom is a rapid increase or accumulation in the population of algae (typically microscopic) in an aquatic system. Algal blooms may occur in freshwater as well as marine… … Wikipedia
Haptophyte — Taxobox name = Haptophytes image width = 250px image caption = Coccolithophore ( Emiliania huxleyi ) domain = Eukaryota regnum = Chromalveolata phylum = Haptophyta phylum authority = Hibberd 1976 subdivision ranks = Orders subdivision =Class… … Wikipedia
Emiliania huxleyi — Taxobox name = Emiliania huxleyi image width = 250px image caption = Emiliania huxleyi domain = Eukaryota regnum = Chromalveolata phylum = Haptophyta classis = Prymnesiophyceae ordo = Isochrysidales familia = Noelaerhabdaceae genus = Emiliania… … Wikipedia
algae — algal, adj. /al jee/, n.pl., sing. alga / geuh/. any of numerous groups of chlorophyll containing, mainly aquatic eukaryotic organisms ranging from microscopic single celled forms to multicellular forms 100 ft. (30 m) or more long, distinguished… … Universalium