every other — Every second or alternate • • • Main Entry: ↑every every other Each alternate • • • Main Entry: ↑other * * * each second in a series; each alternate I train with weights every other day * * * every other used to indicate how often a repeated act … Useful english dictionary
every other — • every other • every second alternate, every second one She has to work every other Saturday evening. in a sequence, with the focus on the second, fourth, sixth and so on … Idioms and examples
every other — (something) omitting the next but including the one after that, as a series or repetition of something. Our discussion group meets every other Friday at eight o clock. It seems like every other shop in the village is a cafe … New idioms dictionary
every other — ► every other each alternate in a series. Main Entry: ↑every … English terms dictionary
every other — {adj. phr.} Every second; every alternate. * /The milkman comes every other day./ * /On St. Patrick s Day, it seems as if every other man you meet is wearing a shamrock./ … Dictionary of American idioms
every other — {adj. phr.} Every second; every alternate. * /The milkman comes every other day./ * /On St. Patrick s Day, it seems as if every other man you meet is wearing a shamrock./ … Dictionary of American idioms
every\ other — adj. phr. Every second; every alternate. The milkman comes every other day. On St. Patrick s Day, it seems as if every other man you meet is wearing a shamrock … Словарь американских идиом
every other — happening or existing regularly on every second one of the things you are counting. Our discussion group meets every other Friday at eight o clock. Every other shelf on the bookcase was full of books … New idioms dictionary
every other — idi every second; every alternate: milk deliveries every other day[/ex] … From formal English to slang
every other something — every other (something) omitting the next but including the one after that, as a series or repetition of something. Our discussion group meets every other Friday at eight o clock. It seems like every other shop in the village is a cafe … New idioms dictionary