- congregationalism
Any of several forms of church organization in which each congregation is responsible for its own government
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Congregationalism — • The successful establishment of the New England colonies was an event of the utmost importance in the development of Congregationalism, a term preferred by the American Puritans to Independency and gradually adopted by their coreligionists in… … Catholic encyclopedia
Congregationalism — Congregationalism is a Protestant movement that grew out of the Reformation in England and evolved into several major denominations. It has always stressed a church polity that keeps power in the individual congregation. Congregationalism… … Encyclopedia of Protestantism
Congregationalism — Con gre*ga tion*al*ism, n. 1. That system of church organization which vests all ecclesiastical power in the assembled brotherhood of each local church. [1913 Webster] 2. The faith and polity of the Congregational churches, taken collectively.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Congregationalism — may refer to: Congregationalist polity – a form of church governance based on the local congregation The Congregational churches – a family of denominations known for a congregationalist form of governance See also Congregational Church… … Wikipedia
congregaţionalism — CONGREGAŢIONALÍSM s. n. mişcare protestantă din Anglia, care revendica autonomia bisericilor locale faţă de stat şi nega ierarhia ecleziastică. (< fr. congrégationalisme) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
congregationalism — [käŋ΄grə gā′shə nəliz΄əm, kän΄grə gā′shə nəl iz΄əm] n. 1. a form of church organization in which each local congregation is self governing 2. [C ] the beliefs and practices of a Protestant denomination in which each member church is self… … English World dictionary
congregationalism — congregationalist, n., adj. /kong gri gay sheuh nl iz euhm/, n. 1. a form of Protestant church government in which each local religious society is independent and self governing. 2. (cap.) the system of government and doctrine of Congregational… … Universalium
congregationalism — noun see congregational … New Collegiate Dictionary
Congregationalism — noun A system of self governing Protestant churches … Wiktionary
CONGREGATIONALISM — the ecclesiastical system which regards each congregation of believers in Christ a church complete in itself, and free from the control of the other Christian communities, and which extends to each member equal privileges as a member of Christ … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia