
a) The study of the origin, and sometimes the development, of the universe or the solar system, in astrophysics, religion, and other fields.
b) Any specific theory, model, myth, or other account of the origin of the universe.

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  • Cosmogony — • By this term is understood an account of how the universe (cosmos) came into being (gonia • gegona = I have become). It differs from cosmology, or the science of the universe, in this: that the latter aims at understanding the actual… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Cosmogony — Cos*mog o*ny ( n?), n.; pl. {Cosmogonies} ( n?z). [Gr. kosmogoni a; ko smos the world + root of gi gnesthai to be born: cf. F. cosmogonie.] The creation of the world or universe; a theory or account of such creation; as, the poetical cosmogony of …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cosmogony — [käz mäg′ə nē] n. [Gr kosmogonia, creation of the world < kosmogonos < kosmos, universe + gonos, GONY] 1. the study of the origin of the universe 2. pl. cosmogonies a theory or account of this [an ancient Greek cosmogony] cosmogonic [käz΄mə …   English World dictionary

  • cosmogony — 1690s as a theory of the creation; 1766 as the creation of the universe, from Gk. kosmogonia creation of the world, from kosmos world, universe (see COSMOS (Cf. cosmos)) + gonia a begetting …   Etymology dictionary

  • cosmogony — ► NOUN (pl. cosmogonies) ▪ the branch of science concerned with the origin of the universe, especially the solar system. DERIVATIVES cosmogonic adjective cosmogonist noun. ORIGIN from Greek kosmos order or world + gonia begetting …   English terms dictionary

  • Cosmogony — This article is about scientific theories of the origin of the universe. For mythical explanations, see creation myth. There is vast consensus among physicists that our universe started with a Big Bang from a state of gravitational singularity.… …   Wikipedia

  • cosmogony — kosmogonija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. cosmogony vok. Kosmogonie, f rus. космогония, f pranc. cosmogonie, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • cosmogony — noun (plural nies) Etymology: New Latin cosmogonia, from Greek kosmogonia, from kosmos + gonos offspring; akin to Greek genos race more at kin Date: 1696 1. a theory of the origin of the universe 2. the creation or origin of the world or univ …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • cosmogony — cosmogonal, cosmogonic /koz meuh gon ik/, cosmogonical, adj. cosmogonist, n. /koz mog euh nee/, n., pl. cosmogonies. a theory or story of the origin and development of the universe, the solar system, or the earth moon system. [1860 65; < Gk… …   Universalium

  • cosmogony — A theory of the origin of the universe, whether religious, mythical, or scientific …   Philosophy dictionary

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