- favorite son
A politician whose electoral appeal derives from his or her regional appeal, rather than his or her political views
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favorite son — ☆ favorite son n. 1. a famous man honored and praised in his native city, district, etc. because of his achievements 2. a) a candidate favored by the political leaders of his own state, city, etc., as for presidential nomination b) a candidate at … English World dictionary
Favorite son — A favorite son (or a favorite daughter) is a political term that can refer to two different types of politicians:*A politician whose electoral appeal derives from his or her regional appeal, rather than his or her political views. For example, in … Wikipedia
favorite son — noun a United States politician favored mainly in his or her home state • Hypernyms: ↑campaigner, ↑candidate, ↑nominee * * * I. noun : a person favored as their candidate by the delegates of his state at the presidential nominating convention of… … Useful english dictionary
favorite son — /feɪvərət ˈsʌn/ (say fayvuhruht sun) noun US Politics a candidate for national office proposed by a local or state delegation, with local rather than national support: Iowa s governor stood as a favorite son in the Democratic primaries for the… …
favorite son — a candidate supported by his home state for President etc. We voted for him because he is the favorite son of our state … Idioms and examples
Favorite Son (disambiguation) — Favorite son refers to a politician with strong regional or party support. Favorite Son may also refer to:* Favorite Son (film), a 1997 film * , an episode of the American TV series Star Trek: Voyager * Favorite Son (Yes, Dear episode), an… … Wikipedia
Favorite Son (film) — Favorite Son [http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0171317/] is an independent film that was shot entirely on location in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. It stars American actors Louis Herthum [http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0381043/] , Brad Hunt… … Wikipedia
favorite son — {n.} A man supported by his home state for President. * /At a national convention, states often vote for their favorite sons first; then they change and vote for another man./ … Dictionary of American idioms
favorite son — {n.} A man supported by his home state for President. * /At a national convention, states often vote for their favorite sons first; then they change and vote for another man./ … Dictionary of American idioms
favorite\ son — noun A man supported by his home state for President. At a national convention, states often vote for their favorite sons first; then they change and vote for another man … Словарь американских идиом
favorite son — fa′vorite son′ n. 1) gov a person nominated as a presidential candidate at a national political convention by the delegates from his or her home state 2) an eminent, successful man who is highly regarded in his hometown or state • Etymology:… … From formal English to slang