
a) From or of Rightpondia.

On the BBC news today, a Rightpondian used the term "transportation services".

b) Like a Rightpondian person.
2. noun
A Rightpondian person.

Gobbledegook to this Rightpondian.

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  • Leftpondian — 1. adjective a) From or of Leftpondia. As has been pointed out here before, Leftpondian check forms typically have a blank for the amount in words followed by /100 dollars , to be filled in in the style Forty five and 37/100 dollars . b) Like a… …   Wiktionary

  • Transpondian — noun Someone from the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, especially the British Isles or the United States. See Also: Leftpondian, Rightpondian …   Wiktionary

  • pondian — adjective Pertaining to differences between English as spoken in the United Kingdom and the United States. See Also: Leftpondia, Leftpondian, left pondian, Rightpondia, Rightpondian, right pondian …   Wiktionary

  • transpondian — 1. adjective a) Having to do with the two sides of the Atlantic Ocean or with traversing it, especially between the British Isles and the United States. b) Having to do with the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, especially the British Isles or… …   Wiktionary

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