- hypernatremic
Although nearly half the hypernatremic patients had a febrile illness, other associated conditions assume more prominence than in infants.
Wikipedia foundation.
Although nearly half the hypernatremic patients had a febrile illness, other associated conditions assume more prominence than in infants.
Wikipedia foundation.
hypernatremic — hy·per·na·tre·mic (hi″pər nə treґmik) 1. pertaining to or characterized by hypernatremia. 2. causing hypernatremia. 3. caused by hypernatremia … Medical dictionary
hypernatremic dehydration — a condition in which electrolyte losses are disproportionately smaller than water losses … Medical dictionary
hypernatremic encephalopathy — a severe hemorrhagic encephalopathy induced by the hyperosmolarity accompanying hypernatremia and dehydration … Medical dictionary
encephalopathy — Any disorder of the brain. SYN: cerebropathia, cerebropathy, encephalopathia, encephalosis. [encephalo + G. pathos, suffering] bilirubin e. SYN: kernicterus. Binswanger e. SYN: Binswanger disease … Medical dictionary
Psychosis — Not to be confused with Psychopathy. For other uses, see Psychosis (disambiguation). Psychosis Classification and external resources ICD 10 F20 F29[1] ICD 9 … Wikipedia
Dehydration — This article is about the medical condition. For the removal of water through chemical or physical means, see desiccation. For the chemical reaction, see dehydration reaction. For food preservation by dehydration, see drying (food). Dehydration… … Wikipedia
Water intoxication — Classification and external resources Water intoxication, also known as water poisoning, is a potentially fatal disturbance in brain functions that results when the normal balance of electrolytes in the body is pushed outside of safe limits by… … Wikipedia
Volume status — In medicine, volume status refers to the volume of blood in a patient s circulatory system. This is related to the patient s state of hydration, but is not identical to it. For instance, volume depletion can exist in an adequately hydrated person … Wikipedia
Психоз — МКБ 9 290290 299299 OMIM 603342 608923 … Википедия
Психозы — Психоз нарушение произвольной адаптации психической деятельности человека. Психотическое расстройство это собирательное название группы разнородных психических расстройств, сопровождающихся продуктивной психопатологической симптоматикой бредом,… … Википедия