- glutaminase
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
Glutaminase — protein Name=glutaminase caption= width= HGNCid=4331 Symbol=GLS AltSymbols= EntrezGene=2744 OMIM=138280 RefSeq=NM 014905 UniProt=O94925 PDB= ECnumber= Chromosome=2 Arm=q Band=32 LocusSupplementaryData= q34protein Name=glutaminase 2 (liver … Wikipedia
Glutaminase — La glutaminase est une enzyme amidohydrolase qui génère du glutamate à partir de la glutamine. Glutamine + H2O → Glutamate + NH3 Portail de la biochimie Catégorie : Biochimie … Wikipédia en Français
glutaminase — glutaminazė statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Fermentas, skaidantis glutaminą iki glutamo rūgšties. atitikmenys: angl. glutaminase rus. глутаминаза … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
glutaminase — noun Date: 1938 an enzyme that hydrolyzes glutamine to glutamic acid and ammonia … New Collegiate Dictionary
glutaminase — An enzyme in kidney and other tissues that catalyzes the hydrolysis of l glutamine to ammonia and l glutamic acid; an important enzyme for urinary ammonia formation. * * * glu·ta·min·ase glüt ə mə .nās, glü tam ə , .nāz n a … Medical dictionary
glutaminase — glu·ta·min·ase … English syllables
glutaminase — n. an enzyme, found in the kidney, that catalyses the breakdown of the amino acid glutamine to ammonia and glutamic acid: a stage in the production of urea … The new mediacal dictionary
glutaminase — ˈglüd.əmə̇ˌnās, glüˈtam , āz noun ( s) Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary glutamine + ase : an enzyme that hydrolyzes glutamine to glutamic acid and ammonia * * * glutamˈinase noun An enzyme that hydrolyses glutamine • • • Main Entry … Useful english dictionary
D-glutaminase — Identifiers EC number CAS number 37289 12 6 … Wikipedia
Protein-glutamine glutaminase — In enzymology, a protein glutamine glutaminase (EC number| is an enzyme that catalyzes the chemical reaction:protein L glutamine + H2O ightleftharpoons protein L glutamate + NH3Thus, the two substrates of this enzyme are protein L… … Wikipedia