- lipotropic
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Lipotropic — compounds are those which help catalyse the break down of fat during metabolismin the body.Choline is the major lipotrope in mammals and other known lipotropes are important only insofar as they contribute to the synthesis of choline (Barak,… … Wikipedia
lipotropic — adj. (Chem.) having an affinity for lipids. Syn: lipophilic. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lipotropic — [lip΄ō träp′ik, lip΄əträp′ik; lī΄pōträp′ ik, lī΄pəträp′ik] adj. [ LIPO + TROPIC] regulating or reducing the accumulation of fat in the body or its organs lipotropism [li pä′trə piz΄əm, līpä′trə piz΄əm] n … English World dictionary
lipotropic — adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: 1903 promoting the physiological utilization of fat < lipotropic dietary factors > … New Collegiate Dictionary
lipotropic — 1. Pertaining to substances preventing or correcting excessive fat deposits in liver such as occurs in choline deficiency. 2. Relating to lipotropy. * * * li·po·tro·pic .lip ō trō pik, .līp , träp ik also li·po·tro·phic trō fik adj promoting the… … Medical dictionary
lipotropic hormone — lipotropinas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Baltyminis hipofizės hormonas. atitikmenys: angl. lipotropic hormone; lipotropin rus. липотропин; липотропный гормон ryšiai: sinonimas – lipotropinis hormonas … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
lipotropic — lipotropism /li po treuh piz euhm, luy /, n. /lip euh trop ik, troh pik, luy peuh /, adj. Chem., Biochem. having an affinity for lipids and thus preventing or correcting excess accumulation of fat in the liver. [1930 35; LIPO 1 + TROPIC] * * * … Universalium
lipotropic — adj. having an affinity for lipids and therefore preventing the buildup of excess fat in the liver (Biochemistry) … English contemporary dictionary
lipotropic — li·po·trop·ic … English syllables
lipotropic — adj. describing a substance that promotes the transport of fatty acids from the liver to the tissues or accelerates the utilization of fat in the liver itself. An example of such a substance is the amino acid methionine … The new mediacal dictionary