- infraparticle
An electrically charged particle and its surrounding cloud of soft photons
Wikipedia foundation.
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Infraparticle — In electrodynamics and quantum electrodynamics, in addition to the global U(1) symmetry related to the electric charge, we also have position dependent gauge transformations. Noether s theorem states for every infinitesimal symmetry… … Wikipedia
Weinberg-Witten theorem — Steven Weinberg and Edward Witten consider the so called emergent theories to be misguided. During the 80 s, preon theories, technicolor and the like were very popular and some people were speculating that gravity might be an emergent phenomena… … Wikipedia
Coleman-Mandula theorem — The Coleman Mandula theorem, named after Sidney Coleman and Jeffrey Mandula, is a no go theorem in theoretical physics. It states that the only conserved quantities in a realistic theory with a mass gap, apart from the generators of the Poincaré… … Wikipedia
Bert Schroer — (born November 10 1933 in Gelsenkirchen, Germany) is a German mathematical physicist, currently a visiting professor in Rio de Janeiro and an emeritius professor in Berlin, who is known for his work on algebraic quantum field theory, braid groups … Wikipedia
Coleman–Mandula theorem — The Coleman–Mandula theorem, named after Sidney Coleman and Jeffrey Mandula, is a no go theorem in theoretical physics. It states that space time and internal symmetries cannot be combined in any but a trivial way .[1] The only conserved… … Wikipedia