Boston Brahmin — Boston Brahmins are wealthy Yankee families characterized by a highly discreet and inconspicuous life style. Based in and around Boston, they form an integral part of the historic core of the East Coast establishment. They are associated with the … Wikipedia
Boston Brahmin — [Boston Brahmin] noun (AmE) a member of one of the old families with high social and cultural status in ↑Boston, US. The Brahmins have traditionally lived in the city’s best area, ↑Beacon Hill … Useful english dictionary
Boston Brahmin accent — The Boston Brahmin accent is a New England accent associated with the Boston Brahmin. Users include the character Walter Gaines on Cheers , Dr. Charles Winchester of M*A*S*H , and George Feeny on Boy Meets World . The Boston Brahmin dialect is… … Wikipedia
Boston Brahmin — n (AmE) a member of one of the old families with high social and cultural status in Boston, US. The Brahmins have traditionally lived in the city’s best area, Beacon Hill, and had the most money and power. This has slowly changed as Boston has… … Universalium
Boston Brahmin Historian — William Hickling Prescott … Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games
Boston accent — Boston English redirects here. For the school see English High School of Boston. The Boston dialect is the dialect characteristic of English spoken in the city of Boston and much of eastern Massachusetts. The accent and closely related accents… … Wikipedia
Boston Public Garden — National Register of Historic Places National Historic Landmark District … Deutsch Wikipedia
Boston Brahmins — Als Brahmanen von Boston (engl. Boston Brahmins) werden die vornehmsten Familien Bostons bezeichnet. Sie führen ihre Abstammung auf die puritanischen Gründer der Kolonie Massachusetts zurück und bilden eine Art Adel Neuenglands. Einige wenige… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Brahmin — Brahman Brah man, Brahmin Brah min, n.; pl. {Brahmans}, {Brahmins}. [Skr. Br[=a]hmana (cf. Brahman worship, holiness; the God Brahma, also Brahman): cf. F. Brahmane, Brachmane, Bramine, L. Brachmanae, manes, mani, pl., Gr. ?, pl.] 1. A person of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
brahmin — 1. noun a) A Hindu priestly caste; one of the four varnas or social groups based on occupation in ancient Hindu society. b) One who has realized or attempts to realize Brahman, i.e. God or supreme knowledge … Wiktionary