lobster thermidor
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Lobster Thermidor — is a French dish consisting of a creamy, cheesy mixture of cooked lobster meat, egg yolks, and brandy or sherry, stuffed into a lobster shell, and optionally served with an oven browned cheese crust. The sauce must contain mustard (typically… … Wikipedia
Lobster thermidor — Lob ster ther mi*dor, Lobsters thermidor Lob sters ther mi*dor, n. a dish of lobster meat cooked with a rich creamy wine sauce, stuffed back into the lobster shell, sprinkled with grated cheese, and browned. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lobster thermidor — [thʉr′mə dôr΄] n. [see THERMIDOR] a dish consisting of lobster flesh, mushrooms, etc. in a thick, creamy sauce, browned and served in half of a lobster shell … English World dictionary
lobster thermidor — a dish of cooked lobster meat placed back in the shell with a cream sauce, sprinkled with grated cheese and melted butter, and browned in the oven. Also, lobster Thermidor. [1930 35; allegedly named by Napoleon after the month it was first served … Universalium
lobster thermidor — noun Etymology: thermidor, from French, from Thermidor, drama (1891) by Victorien Sardou Date: 1894 cooked lobster meat in a rich wine sauce stuffed into a lobster shell and browned … New Collegiate Dictionary
lobster thermidor — [ θə:mɪdɔ:] noun a dish of lobster cooked in a cream sauce, returned to its shell, sprinkled with cheese, and browned under the grill. Origin thermidor from Thermidor, the eleventh month of the French Republican calendar … English new terms dictionary
lobster thermidor — lob′ster ther′midor (or Ther′midor) n. coo a dish of cooked lobster meat placed back in the shell with a cream sauce, sprinkled with grated cheese, and browned in the oven • Etymology: 1930–35; after Thermidor, the 11th month in the French… … From formal English to slang
lobster thermidor — /lɒbstə ˈθɜmədɔ/ (say lobstuh thermuhdaw) noun lobster, removed from the shell and sauteed in a rich creamy white sauce, and served returned to the shell, topped with grated cheese …
lobster thermidor — noun diced lobster mixed with Mornay sauce placed back in the shell and sprinkled with grated cheese and browned • Hypernyms: ↑dish … Useful english dictionary
Thermidor — was the eleventh month in the French Republican Calendar. The month was named after the French word thermal which comes from the Greek word Thermos which means heat . Thermidor was the second month of the summer quarter ( mois d été ). It started … Wikipedia