- postpositive
- 1. adjectivePlaced after the word modified, either immediately after, as in two men abreast, or as part of a complement, as in those two men are bad.2. nounA postpositive modifier.
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Postpositive — Post*pos i*tive, a. [See {Postpone}.] Placed after another word; as, a postpositive conjunction; a postpositive letter. {Post*pos i*tive*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
postpositive — [pōst΄päz′ə tiv] adj. [LL postpositivus < L postpositus: see POSTPOSITION] Gram. placed after or added to a word; suffixed n. a postpositive word postpositively adv … English World dictionary
postpositive — postpositively, adv. /pohst poz i tiv/, Gram. adj. 1. (of a word, particle, or affix) placed after a word to modify it or to show its relation to other elements of a sentence. n. 2. a postpositive word, particle, or affix; postposition. [1780 90; … Universalium
postpositive — adjective (of a word) placed after or as a suffix on the word that it relates to. noun a postpositive word. Derivatives postpositively adverb … English new terms dictionary
postpositive — post•pos•i•tive [[t]poʊstˈpɒz ɪ tɪv[/t]] adj. 1) gram. (of a word, particle, or affix) placed after a word to modify it or to show its relation to other elements of a sentence 2) cvb gram. a postpositive word, particle, or affix; postposition •… … From formal English to slang
postpositive — adjective Date: 1786 placed after or at the end of another word • postpositively adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
postpositive — post·positive … English syllables
postpositive — /poʊstˈpɒzətɪv/ (say pohst pozuhtiv) adjective 1. placed after. –noun Also, postposition. 2. Grammar a word placed after another as a modifier or to show its relation to other parts of the sentence, as in attorney general, the man afloat.… …
postpositive — adjective (of a modifier) placed after another word • Pertains to noun: ↑postposition … Useful english dictionary
Postpositively — Postpositive Post*pos i*tive, a. [See {Postpone}.] Placed after another word; as, a postpositive conjunction; a postpositive letter. {Post*pos i*tive*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English