take a shine to
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take a shine to — (informal) To fancy, take a liking to • • • Main Entry: ↑shine * * * informal develop a liking for * * * take a shine to informal : to begin to like (someone or something) She really took a shine to [=took a liking to] her new neighbor. • • • … Useful english dictionary
take a shine to — If you take a shine to something or someone, you like it or them instantly … The small dictionary of idiomes
take a shine to — (someone) informal to like someone immediately. I think Andrew has taken a bit of a shine to our new member of staff … New idioms dictionary
take a shine to — ► take a shine to informal develop a liking for. Main Entry: ↑shine … English terms dictionary
take the shine off something — spoken phrase to spoil something, or to make it less enjoyable Daniel’s injury took the shine off their victory. Thesaurus: to have a bad effect, or to reduce a good effectsynonym Main entry: shine * * * take the ˈshine off sth … Useful english dictionary
take the shine off something — take the shine off (something) informal if something that happens takes the shine off something pleasant, it spoils it or makes it less enjoyable. Having my purse stolen took the shine off my visit to Dublin … New idioms dictionary
take the shine off — (something) informal if something that happens takes the shine off something pleasant, it spoils it or makes it less enjoyable. Having my purse stolen took the shine off my visit to Dublin … New idioms dictionary
take the shine off — ● shine * * * spoil the brilliance or excitement of the absence of new jobs has taken some of the shine off his stellar popularity ratings … Useful english dictionary
take a shine to someone — take a shine to (someone) informal to like someone immediately. I think Andrew has taken a bit of a shine to our new member of staff … New idioms dictionary
take the shine off — ► take the shine off spoil the brilliance or excitement of. Main Entry: ↑shine … English terms dictionary
take a shine to someone — spoken phrase to like someone who you have only just met, especially in a romantic way Thesaurus: to love or like a personsynonym Main entry: shine … Useful english dictionary