- gay rights
The concept that people of minority sexual orientations, such as homosexuality, are entitled to all the rights and considerations due to the majority orientation.
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gay rights — plural noun The rights of homosexuals to equal treatment with heterosexuals • • • Main Entry: ↑gay * * * plural n. equal civil and social rights for homosexuals compared with heterosexuals … Useful english dictionary
gay rights — noun plural the right of gay people to have the same legal and social rights as everyone else … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
gay rights — noun Gay rights is used before these nouns: ↑movement, ↑supporter … Collocations dictionary
Gay Rights Working Party — was a working party (committee) of the Greater London Council (GLC), between 1981 and 1986 (when the GLC was abolished).The working party was formed in 1976 to investigate gay issues in London. Its work culminated in the publication of Changing… … Wikipedia
Gay-Rights-Bewegung — [ geɪraɪts ; englisch »Rechte der Homosexuellen«], Gay Liberation Bewegung [ geɪ lɪbə reɪʃn ; englisch »Befreiung der Homosexuellen«], in den 1960er Jahren in den USA entstandene Emanzipationsbewegung, die sich zunächst gegen die… … Universal-Lexikon
Gay Rights Working Party — ist der Name einer britischen Partei, die von 1976 bis 1986 im Stadtrat von London aktiv war. Die GRWP (der vollständige Name: Greater London Council s Gay Rights Working Party) ist eine politische Partei, die 1976 im Vereinigten Königreich… … Deutsch Wikipedia
gay rights movement — or homosexual rights movement Civil rights movement that advocates equal rights for gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, and transsexuals. Supporters of gay rights seek to eliminate sodomy laws barring homosexual acts between consenting adults and call… … Universalium
gay-rights activist — person who works to further the rights of homosexuals … English contemporary dictionary
National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights — The National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights was a large political rally that took place in Washington, D.C. on October 14, 1979. The first such march on Washington, it drew between 75,000 and 125,000[1] gay men, lesbians, bisexual … Wikipedia
Michael Jones (Gay Rights Leader) — Controversial Indiana gay rights activist Michael Jones (b. 1964) has been credited with enabling the gay and lesbian community of Indianapolis to become more active and visible. His active period in Indiana was short, but in that time he was… … Wikipedia