
1. noun /ˈkʌntɹi/
a) An area of land; a district, region.

We walk along flat, open country, red dirt and spinifex grass, a few short trees [...].

b) A set region of land having particular human occupation or agreed limits, especially inhabited by members of the same race, language speakers etc., or associated with a given person, occupation, species etc.

This is condor country - the only region this far east where you can see the magnificent vulture - and a small national park straddling the passes, El Condorito, is a good stopover for walkers and birders.

2. adjective /ˈkʌntɹi/
a) From the countryside or connected with it.
b) Of or connected to country music.

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  • Country Is — Single by Tom T. Hall from the album Country Is B side God Came Through Bellville Georgia Released September 9, 1974 …   Wikipedia

  • country — [ kuntri ] n. f. ou m. inv. • country music 1972; mot angl. « campagne » ♦ Anglic. Musique américaine populaire dérivée du folklore blanc du sud ouest des États Unis. ⇒ folk. Adj. inv. Des guitaristes country. ● country nom masculin ou féminin et …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Country — Coun try (k?n tr?), n.; pl. {Countries} ( tr?z). [F. contr[ e]e, LL. contrata, fr. L. contra over against, on the opposite side. Cf. {Counter}, adv., {Contra}.] 1. A tract of land; a region; the territory of an independent nation; (as… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • country — (izg. kȁntri) m DEFINICIJA glazb. tradicionalni sjevernoamerički glazbeni žanr; korijeni u folklornoj glazbi juga SAD a, jednostavna forma praćena mahom samo gitarom i violinom; ima brojne podžanrove SINTAGMA country dance (izg. country dȇns) pov …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • country — ► NOUN (pl. countries) 1) a nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory. 2) districts outside large urban areas. 3) an area with regard to its physical features: hill country. ● across country Cf. ↑across country …   English terms dictionary

  • Country — Coun try, a. 1. Pertaining to the regions remote from a city; rural; rustic; as, a country life; a country town; the country party, as opposed to city. [1913 Webster] 2. Destitute of refinement; rude; unpolished; rustic; not urbane; as, country… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • country — adj. (În sintagma) Muzică country = muzică din folclorul american, devenită stil în muzica uşoară contemporană. [pr.: cántri] – cuv. am. Trimis de LauraGellner, 30.07.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  COUNTRY [CÁNTRI] s. n. muzică country = muzică de cowboy …   Dicționar Român

  • country — [adj] rural, pastoral agrarian, agrestic, Arcadian, bucolic, campestral, countrified, georgic, homey, out country, outland, provincial, rustic, uncultured, unpolished, unrefined, unsophisticated; concepts 401,536,589 Ant. city, metropolitan,… …   New thesaurus

  • country — [kun′trē] n. pl. countries [ME contre < OFr contrée < VL * (regio) contrata, region lying opposite < L contra: see CONTRA ] 1. an area of land; region [wooded country] 2. the whole land or territory of a nation or state 3. the people of… …   English World dictionary

  • Country E.P. — Country E.P. EP by Anaïs Mitchell and Rachel Ries Released September 2, 2008 Recorded 2008 …   Wikipedia

  • country — mid 13c., district, native land, from O.Fr. contree, from V.L. * (terra) contrata (land) lying opposite, or (land) spread before one, from L. contra opposite, against (see CONTRA (Cf. contra )). Sense narrowed 1520s to rural areas, as opposed to… …   Etymology dictionary

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