- ill-disposed
Those who are highly intelligent but ill-disposed toward the market are more likely to choose an academic career.
Wikipedia foundation.
Those who are highly intelligent but ill-disposed toward the market are more likely to choose an academic career.
Wikipedia foundation.
ill-disposed — I adjective acrimonious, antagonistic, belligerent, contentious, contrary, crusty, discordant, disdainful, disputatious, fractious, hostile, ill intentioned, ill natured, ill willed, inhospitable, inimical, malevolent, malicious, mean, opposed,… … Law dictionary
ill-disposed — ill dis posed adj formal unfriendly or unsympathetic ▪ an ill disposed character … Dictionary of contemporary English
ill-disposed — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ unfriendly or unsympathetic … English terms dictionary
ill-disposed — [il′di spōzd′] adj. 1. having a bad disposition; malicious or malevolent 2. unfriendly, unkindly, or unfavorable (toward) or unreceptive ( to) … English World dictionary
ill-disposed — adj. (formal) (cannot stand alone) ill disposed to, towards (they are ill disposed towards me) * * * [ˌɪldɪ spəʊzd] towards (they are ill disposed towards me) (formal) (cannot stand alone) ill disposed to … Combinatory dictionary
ill-disposed — adjective formal unfriendly or unsympathetic (+ towards): I was feeling generally ill disposed toward my fellow man … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
ill-disposed — adjective the court may be ill disposed to foreign companies Syn: hostile to, antagonistic to, unfriendly to, unsympathetic to, antipathetic to, inimical to, unfavorable to, adverse to, averse to, at odds with; informal anti, down on Ant:… … Thesaurus of popular words
ill-disposed — ill disposedness /il di spoh zid nis, spohzd /, n. /il di spohzd /, adj. 1. unfriendly, unsympathetic, or having a negative attitude, as toward another person or an idea. 2. having an objectionable disposition. [1400 50; late ME] * * * … Universalium
ill-disposed — ill dis|posed [ ,ıl dı spouzd ] adjective FORMAL feeling unfriendly or not sympathetic toward someone … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
ill-disposed — adj unfriendly, unsympathetic, hostile, antagonistic, opposed, unco operative, unwelcoming, against FORMAL averse, inimical COLLOQ. anti ≠ well disposed … Useful english dictionary