
A protein associated with the sensation of taste

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  • Gustducin — protein Name=guanine nucleotide binding protein, alpha transducing 3 caption= width= HGNCid=22800 Symbol=GNAT3 AltSymbols= EntrezGene=346562 OMIM= RefSeq=XM 294370 UniProt=A4D1B2 PDB= ECnumber= Chromosome=7 Arm=q Band=21.11 LocusSupplementaryData …   Wikipedia

  • gustducin — Taste cell specific GTP binding protein. Novel G a subunit; resembles transducin more than any other G a …   Dictionary of molecular biology

  • gustducin — A protein messenger in taste buds that is activated in response to sweet tastes; g. is a G protein α subunit. [L. gustus, taste, + duco, to lead, induce, + in] …   Medical dictionary

  • Solitary chemosensory cells — (SCCs) (also called solitary chemoreceptor cells) are isolated elements located in epithelia of the apparatuses of endodermic origin (such as respiratory and digestive apparatuses). In the aquatic vertebrates, SCCs are also present in the skin.… …   Wikipedia

  • Diffuse chemosensory system — The diffuse chemosensory system (DCS) is an anatomical structure composed of solitary chemosensory cells and chemosensory clusters. The concept of DCS has been advanced in 2005, after the discovery that cells similar to gustatory elements are… …   Wikipedia

  • Gustatory system — The gustatory system is the sensory system for the sense of taste. Importance Humans require a way to distinguish between safe and dangerous foods. Bitter and sour foods we find unpleasant, while salty, sweet, and meaty tasting foods generally… …   Wikipedia

  • Taste — (or, more formally, gustation) is a form of direct chemoreception and is one of the traditional five senses. It refers to the ability to detect the flavor of substances such as food and poisons. In humans and many other vertebrate animals the… …   Wikipedia

  • Geschmacksempfindung — Schematische Darstellung einer Geschmacksknospe Der Geschmackssinn (auch Gustatorik, Schmecken oder gustatorische Wahrnehmung) ist der chemische Nahsinn, der der Kontrolle der aufgenommenen Nahrung dient. Bitterer und saurer Geschmack weisen auf… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Geschmacksinn — Schematische Darstellung einer Geschmacksknospe Der Geschmackssinn (auch Gustatorik, Schmecken oder gustatorische Wahrnehmung) ist der chemische Nahsinn, der der Kontrolle der aufgenommenen Nahrung dient. Bitterer und saurer Geschmack weisen auf… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Geschmacksrichtung — Schematische Darstellung einer Geschmacksknospe Der Geschmackssinn (auch Gustatorik, Schmecken oder gustatorische Wahrnehmung) ist der chemische Nahsinn, der der Kontrolle der aufgenommenen Nahrung dient. Bitterer und saurer Geschmack weisen auf… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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