- yogh
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Yogh — La letra yogh (Ȝ) es una letra original del alfabeto latino que fue usada en los manuscritos medievales de la islas Británicas, para representar la «y» (/j/) y variados fonemas velares. Algunas palabras escocesas colocan una z donde antes hubo… … Wikipedia Español
Yogh — Graphies Capitale Ȝ Bas de casse ȝ Utilisation Alphabets moyen anglais Ordre … Wikipédia en Français
yogh — M.E. letter, c.1300; see Y (Cf. Y). The name probably is identical with YOKE (Cf. yoke) (M.E. yogh) and so called because yoke began with a yogh … Etymology dictionary
yogh — [yōk, yōkh] n. [ME] a letter of the Middle English alphabet, Ȝ, representing: a) a voiceless velar fricative similar to Modern German (kh), as in doch: in Modern English orthography it has been replaced by gh, which either is silent, as in though … English World dictionary
Yogh — Not to be confused with the unrelated ʒ. For the rune transcribed as ȝ , see Gyfu. The letter yogh (latinx|Ȝ latinx|ȝ; Middle English: latinx|ȝogh) was used in Middle English and Middle Scots, representing y (IPA|/j/) and various velar phonemes.… … Wikipedia
Yogh — Ȝȝ Der Buchstabe Ȝ (Majuskel) bzw. ȝ (Minuskel), genannt Yogh bzw. Ȝoȝ, war im Mittelenglischen ein eigenständiger Buchstabe des Alphabets. Im Schottischen hielt er sich bis in das 17. Jahrhundert. Er wurde von verschiedenen Autoren, Kopisten und … Deutsch Wikipedia
yogh — /yohkh/, n. the letter used in the writing of Middle English to represent a palatal fricative, as in ung (Modern English young) or a velar fricative, as in litliche (Modern English lightly). [1250 1300; ME yogh, yok] * * * … Universalium
yogh — [[t]yoʊx[/t]] n. ling. the letter ȝ used in the writing of Middle English to represent a palatal fricative, as in ȝong (Modern English young), or a velar fricative, as in liȝtliche (Modern English lightly) • Etymology: 1250–1300; ME yogh … From formal English to slang
yogh — noun Etymology: Middle English Date: 13th century the letter Ʒ used especially in Middle English chiefly to represent voiced and voiceless velar and palatal fricatives … New Collegiate Dictionary
yogh — [jɒg] noun a Middle English letter () used mainly where modern English has gh and y. Origin ME: of unknown origin … English new terms dictionary