
Alternative name for teratogenesis.

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  • Teratogeny — Ter a*tog e*ny, n. [Gr. ?, ?, a wonder, monster + the root of ? to be born.] (Med.) The formation of monsters. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • teratogeny — ter·a·tog·e·ny (ter″ə tojґə ne) teratogenesis …   Medical dictionary

  • teratogeny — teratogˈeny / tojˈi ni/ noun The production of monsters • • • Main Entry: ↑terato …   Useful english dictionary

  • Jean Rostand — (October 30, 1894 September 4, 1977) was a French biologist and philosopher.Active as an experimental biologist, Rostand became famous for his work as a science writer, as well as a philosopher and an activist. His scientific work covered a… …   Wikipedia

  • teratogenesis — teratogenetic /teuh rat oh jeuh net ik, ter euh toh /, adj. /teuh rat euh jen euh sis, ter euh teuh /, n. Biol. the production or induction of malformations or monstrosities, esp. of a developing embryo or fetus. Also called teratogeny /ter euh… …   Universalium

  • teratogenesis — noun The development of congenital malformations. Syn: teratogeny See Also: teratogenetic, teratogenicity …   Wiktionary

  • teratology — noun a) The study of teratogenesis, congenital malformations or grossly deformed individuals. b) The study of the mechanisms, teratogenic agents, or teratogens, in bringing about malformations. See Also: teratogen, teratogenesis, ter …   Wiktionary

  • teratogenic — (adj.) causing the formation of monsters, 1879, from teratogeny (1857), from comb. form of Gk. teras (gen. teratos) marvel, monster + GENIC (Cf. genic) …   Etymology dictionary

  • aberration — n 1. deviation, divergence, departure, divarication, divagation, digression, declination, declension; lapse, irregularity, incongruity; waywardness, aberrance, aberrancy; wandering, straying, rambling, deviating, diverging, departing, divagating …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • anomaly — n 1. deviation, aberration, aberrance, aberrancy, divergence, digression, departure, divagation, divarication, Rare. anomalism; abnormality, abnormity, irregularity, variation. 2. nonconformist, deviate, deviant, deviator, radical, heretic,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

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