
To reduce to its essence.
See Also: essential, essentialism, essentialist, essentialistic, essentialization

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  • essentialize — [i sen′shəl īz΄] vt. essentialized, essentializing to concentrate on the essential meanings or aspects of …   English World dictionary

  • essentialize — transitive verb ( ized; izing) Date: 1893 to express or formulate in essential form ; reduce to essentials …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • essentialize — /euh sen sheuh luyz /, v.t., essentialized, essentializing. to extract the essence from; express the essence of. Also, esp. Brit., essentialise. [1660 70; ESSENTIAL + IZE] * * * …   Universalium

  • essentialize — es·sen·tial·ize …   English syllables

  • essentialize — es•sen•tial•ize [[t]əˈsɛn ʃəˌlaɪz[/t]] v. t. ized, iz•ing to extract the essence from; express the essence of • Etymology: 1660–70 …   From formal English to slang

  • essentialize — ə̇ˈsenchəˌlīz, eˈ , ēˈ transitive verb ( ed/ ing/ s) : to express or formulate in essence or in essential form : state or present the essence of : distill the essence from : reduce to essentials …   Useful english dictionary

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  • Strategic essentialism — is a major concept in postcolonial theory. The term was coined by the Indian literary critic and theorist Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. It refers to a strategy that nationalities, ethnic groups or minority groups can use to present themselves.… …   Wikipedia

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