- Jehovah's-Witness
a) Of or pertaining to Jehovahs Witnesses.
A Jehovahs-Witness gathering
b) Reserved for Jehovahs Witnesses.A Jehovahs-Witness household.
Wikipedia foundation.
A Jehovahs-Witness gathering
A Jehovahs-Witness household.
Wikipedia foundation.
Jehovah's Witness — Jehovah s Witnesses N COUNT A Jehovah s Witness is a member of a religious organization which accepts some Christian ideas and believes that the world is going to end very soon … English dictionary
Jehovah's Witness — ► NOUN ▪ a member of a fundamentalist Christian sect that denies many traditional Christian doctrines and preaches the Second Coming … English terms dictionary
Jehovah's Witness — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms Jehovah s Witness : singular Jehovah s Witness plural Jehovah s Witnesses a member of a Christian religious group started in the US in 1872. Jehovah s Witnesses believe it is their duty to go to people s homes… … English dictionary
Jehovah's Witness — noun believer in imminent approach of the millennium; practitioner of active evangelism • Hypernyms: ↑Protestant • Member Holonyms: ↑Jehovah s Witnesses * * * noun, pl ⋯ nesses [count] : a member of a religious group that believes that the world… … Useful english dictionary
Jehovah's Witness — Member of an international religious movement founded in Pittsburgh, Pa. , by Charles T. Russell in 1872. The movement was originally known as the International Bible Students Association, but its name was changed by Russell s successor, Joseph… … Universalium
Jehovah's Witness — Je,hovah s Witness noun count a member of a Christian religious group started in the U.S. in 1872. Jehovah s Witnesses believe it is their duty to go to people s homes and prepare them for the time when our world will end and Jesus Christ will… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Jehovah’s Witness — n a member of a Christian organization started in the US in the 1870s. Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that the end of the world is near and that when it comes everyone except them will be destroyed. They also refuse to do military service, do not… … Universalium
Jehovah's Witness — member of the Christian denomination of the Jehovah s Witnesses … English contemporary dictionary
Jehovah's Witness — noun Date: 1931 a member of a group that witness by distributing literature and by personal evangelism to beliefs in the theocratic rule of God, the sinfulness of organized religions and governments, and an imminent millennium … New Collegiate Dictionary
Jehovah's Witness — noun A member of the Jehovahs Witnesses Syn: Witness … Wiktionary