- neuropsychiatry
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Neuropsychiatry — is the branch of medicine dealing with mental disorders attributable to diseases of the nervous system. It preceded the current disciplines of psychiatry and neurology, in as much as psychiatrists and neurologists had a common training.[1]… … Wikipedia
neuropsychiatry — [noor΄ōsī kī′ə trē, nyoor΄sī kī′ə trē no͞o΄rō si kī′ə trē, nyo͞o΄rōsikī ə trē] n. a branch of medicine dealing with disorders of both the mind and the nervous system neuropsychiatric [noor΄ōsī΄kē a′trik, nyoor΄sī΄kē a′trik] adj … English World dictionary
neuropsychiatry — The specialty dealing with both organic and psychic disorders of the nervous system; earlier term for psychiatry. * * * neu·ro·psy·chi·a·try sə kī ə trē, sī n, pl tries a branch of medicine concerned with both neurology and psychiatry … Medical dictionary
neuropsychiatry — n. the branch of medicine concerned with the psychiatric effects of disorders of neurological function or structure. Increasingly, the correlation is being drawn between demonstrable brain changes and the resulting effects on the mind. It is the… … The new mediacal dictionary
neuropsychiatry — noun Date: 1918 a branch of medicine concerned with both neurology and psychiatry • neuropsychiatric adjective • neuropsychiatrically adverb • neuropsychiatrist noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
neuropsychiatry — neuropsychiatric /noor oh suy kee a trik, nyoor /, adj. neuropsychiatrist, n. /noor oh si kuy euh tree, suy , nyoor /, n. the branch of medicine dealing with diseases involving the mind and nervous system. [1915 20; NEURO + PSYCHIATRY] * * * … Universalium
neuropsychiatry — n. branch of medicine which concentrates on the relationship between the nervous system and mental illnesses (Medicine) … English contemporary dictionary
neuropsychiatry — noun psychiatry relating mental disturbance to disordered brain function. Derivatives neuropsychiatric adjective neuropsychiatrist noun … English new terms dictionary
neuropsychiatry — neu·ro·psychiatry … English syllables
neuropsychiatry — neu•ro•psy•chi•a•try [[t]ˌnʊər oʊ sɪˈkaɪ ə tri, saɪ , ˌnyʊər [/t]] n. psi the branch of medicine dealing with diseases involving the mind and nervous system • Etymology: 1915–20 neu ro•psy chi•at′ric ˌsaɪ kiˈæ trɪk adj. neu ro•psy•chi′a•trist, n … From formal English to slang