
1. noun /ˈpʰæɹət/
a) A kind of bird, many species of which are colourful and able to mimic human speech.

I bought a wonderful parrot at the pet store.

b) A parroter; a person who repeats what was just said.

Mrs Merdle was at home, and was in her nest of crimson and gold, with the parrot on a neighbouring stem watching her with his head on one side, as if he took her for another splendid parrot of a larger species.

See Also: psittacine
2. verb /ˈpʰæɹət/
To repeat (exactly what has just been said) without necessarily showing understanding, in the manner of a parrot.

So when political leaders parrot the tobacco company line, say cigarettes are not necessarily addictive, and oppose our efforts to keep tobacco away from our children, they continue to cater to powerful interests, but theyre not standing up for parents and children.

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