copy number

copy number
a) The number of copies of a gene or plasmid within a cells genome.

"Reconstruction" or "titration" experiments consisting of amounts of the linear cloned cDNA equivalent to various gene copy numbers in the genomic DNA are run on the same gel.

b) The identification number assigned to a specific copy of a work.

In other words, there was no way to correlate a books barcode number, by which it was filed in the computer, to its copy number on the shelf list.

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  • Copy number variation — is a form of structural variation in the genome and refers to differences in the number of copies of a particular region in the genome. Humans (being diploid) ordinarily have two copies of each autosomal region, one per chromosome. This may vary… …   Wikipedia

  • Copy number analysis — usually refers to the process of analyzing data produced by a test for DNA copy number variation in patient s sample. Such analysis helps detect chromosomal copy number variation that may cause or may increase risks of various critical… …   Wikipedia

  • Copy Number Variation — La variabilité du nombre de copies d un gène (ou CNV pour Copy Number Variation, en anglais) désigne en génétique une forme particulière de polymorphisme dans lequel le nombre de copies d un même gène dans le génome est variable entre les… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Copy-number variation — This gene duplication has created a copy number variation. The chromosome now has two copies of this section of DNA, rather than one. Copy number variations (CNVs) a form of structural variation are alterations of the DNA of a genome that results …   Wikipedia

  • copy number variation — noun The variation of the number of copies (normally two) of a gene, or of sequences of DNA, in the genome of a specific individual; has been linked to some diseases See Also: copy number polymorphism …   Wiktionary

  • copy number polymorphism — noun The normal variation in the number of copies (normally two) of a gene, or of sequences of DNA, in the genome of a specific individual See Also: copy number variation …   Wiktionary

  • copy number — the number of times a given gene or chromosome is physically represented in the genome. 2. the average number of times a specific plasmid occurs in a bacterial cell …   Medical dictionary

  • copy number — The number of molecules of a particular type on or in a cell or part of a cell. Usually applied to specific genes, or to plasmids within a bacterium …   Dictionary of molecular biology

  • copy number — The number of a particular plasmid per bacterium cell, or gene per genome …   Glossary of Biotechnology

  • Gene copy number variants — Copy number variation (kurz CNV, deutsch Kopienzahlvariation) bezeichnet eine Form struktureller Variation des Erbguts (kurz SV, englisch structural variation), die Abweichungen der Anzahl der Kopien eines bestimmten DNA Abschnittes innerhalb… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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