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viperlike — ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ adjective Etymology: viper + like : behaving like a viper … Useful english dictionary
adder — adder1 /ad euhr/, n. 1. the common European viper, Vipera berus. 2. any of various other venomous or harmless snakes resembling the viper. [bef. 950; late ME; r. ME nadder (a nadder becoming an adder by misdivision; cf. APRON), OE naeddre; c. OS… … Universalium
amphibian — Synonyms and related words: Reptilia, Surinam toad, aeroboat, air, airy nothing, angiosperm, anguine, annual, aquatic plant, batrachian, biennial, boat seaplane, bubble, bullfrog, caecilian, clipper, colubriform, cosmopolite, crawling, creeping,… … Moby Thesaurus
batrachian — Synonyms and related words: amphibian, anguine, bullfrog, colubriform, crawling, creeping, croaker, crocodilian, frog, froggy, hoppytoad, hoptoad, lizardlike, newt, ophidian, paddock, polliwog, repent, reptant, reptile, reptilelike, reptilian,… … Moby Thesaurus
crawling — Synonyms and related words: abject, accumbent, alive with, all fours, ambling, amphibian, anguine, atiptoe, atmospherics, backscratching, batrachian, beggarly, blaring, blasting, blind spot, bootlicking, bristling, bursting, cautious, circumspect … Moby Thesaurus
creeping — Synonyms and related words: all fours, ambling, amphibian, anguine, atiptoe, atmospherics, batrachian, blaring, blasting, blind spot, cautious, cautiousness, circumspect, circumspection, claudicant, colubriform, crawl, crawling, creep, creeping… … Moby Thesaurus
froggy — Synonyms and related words: amphibian, anguine, batrachian, colubriform, crawling, creeping, crocodilian, lizardlike, ophidian, repent, reptant, reptile, reptilelike, reptilian, reptiliform, reptiloid, saurian, serpentiform, serpentile,… … Moby Thesaurus
reptile — Synonyms and related words: Gila monster, Reptilia, agama, alligator, amphibian, anguine, animal, anole, aquatic, atiptoe, batrachian, bearded lizard, beast, biped, blindworm, box turtle, butterfly agama, canine, cannibal, carnivore, cayman,… … Moby Thesaurus
reptilian — Synonyms and related words: abject, abominable, alligator, amphibian, anguine, arrant, atrocious, base, batrachian, beggarly, cheesy, colubriform, contemptible, crawling, creeping, crocodile, crocodilian, crummy, debased, degraded, depraved,… … Moby Thesaurus
serpentine — Synonyms and related words: Byzantine, Machiavellian, Machiavellic, Mephistophelian, aberrant, aberrative, acute, affluent, ambagious, amphibian, anfractuous, anguiform, anguine, arch, artful, astute, bad, batrachian, bent, billowing, billowy,… … Moby Thesaurus