attributive adjective

attributive adjective
An adjective that describes an attribute of the noun phrase of which it is a part.

The word “red” in “the red balloon” is an attributive adjective.

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  • attributive adjective — n. adjective that comes before a noun and not after a copula verb, (Grammar) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • attributive — [ə trib′yo͞o tiv, ə trib′yətiv] adj. [Fr attributif] 1. attributing 2. of or like an attribute 3. Gram. joined directly to (in English, generally preceding) the substantive that it modifies: said of an adjective n. Gram. an attributive adjective… …   English World dictionary

  • Attributive — may mean:* pertaining to an attribute * pertaining to attribution * attributive adjective * attributive noun * attributive verb …   Wikipedia

  • attributive — adjective describing and coming before a noun: In the phrase big city , big is an attributive adjective, and in the phrase school bus , school is a noun in an attributive position. attributively adverb …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • attributive — ► ADJECTIVE Grammar ▪ (of an adjective) preceding the word that it modifies, as old in the old dog. Contrasted with PREDICATIVE(Cf. ↑predicatively). DERIVATIVES attributively adverb …   English terms dictionary

  • Adjective — Examples That s an interesting idea. (attributive) That idea is interesting. (predicative) Tell me something interesting. (postpositive) The good, the bad, and the ugly. (substantive) In grammar, an adjective is a describing word; the main… …   Wikipedia

  • Attributive verb — In grammar, an attributive verb is a verb which modifies (gives the attributes of) a noun, rather than expressing an independent idea as a predicate. In English, verbs may only be attributive as participles: the walking man; a walked dog; uneaten …   Wikipedia

  • attributive genitive — I noun a word in the genitive case that is used as an attributive adjective an example of the attributive genetive is John s in John s mother • Syn: ↑attributive genitive case • Hypernyms: ↑genitive, ↑genitive case, ↑possessive, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • attributive — An attributive adjective is one that logically qualifies a subsequent adjective, and cannot be separated from it. Thus something may be a large mouse and a small mammal (i.e. large for a mouse, small for a mammal). If the qualified adjective is… …   Philosophy dictionary

  • attributive — at|trib|u|tive [ ə trıbjətıv ] adjective LINGUISTICS an attributive adjective or a word in an attributive position comes before the noun it describes. For example, in the phrase a nice man, nice is attributive. ╾ at|trib|u|tive|ly [ ə trıbjətıvli …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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