Aspartame — Aspartame[1] … Wikipedia
Aspartame — Ester méthylique de l aspartyl phénylalanine … Wikipédia en Français
aspartame — [ aspartam ] n. m. VAR. aspartam • v. 1980; anglais aspartame (1972), acronyme de aspartic acid phenylanine methyl ester ♦ Pharm. Peptide composé d acide aspartique et de phénylalanine, à fort pouvoir édulcorant, utilisé comme succédané du sucre… … Encyclopédie Universelle
aspartame — n. 1. an artificial sweetener containing an aspartic acid peptide, ({C14H18N2O5}); it is 160 times sweeter than sucrose (cane sugar) and is used as a calorie free sweetener. Chemically it is N L [alpha] aspartyl L phenylalanine 1 methyl ester. It … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
aspartame — edulcorante artificial. Se debe evitar el consumo excesivo de aspartamo en los pacientes con fenilcetonuria (FCU), ya que esta sustancia se hidroliza para dar lugar a aspartilfenilalanina Diccionario ilustrado de Términos Médicos.. Alvaro Galiano … Diccionario médico
aspartame — commercial name of an artificial sweetener, 1973, from aspartic acid (1836), formed irregularly from asparagine (1813), a compound found in asparagus, beet root, etc., from ASPARAGUS (Cf. asparagus) + chemical suffix INE (Cf. ine) (2). The reason … Etymology dictionary
aspartame — s. m. Sucedâneo hipocalórico do açúcar utilizado na indústria agroalimentar … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
aspartame — [as′pər tām΄] n. [ ASPART(IC ACID) + (phenyl)a(lanine) m(ethyl) e(ster)] an artificial, low calorie sweetener, C14H18N2O5, about 200 times sweeter than sucrose, used in the manufacture of soft drinks, packaged cereals, etc … English World dictionary
Aspartame — A man made sweetener with almost no calories used in place of sugar. A diet program with aspartame and exercise gives better results than without this sweetener. People lose more weight and regain less weight. Aspartame is a compound of two amino … Medical dictionary
aspartame — aspartamas statusas T sritis chemija atitikmenys: angl. aspartame rus. аспартам ryšiai: sinonimas – L aspartil L fenilalanino metilesteris … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas