East Slav

East Slav
A member of the East Slavic peoples, including the Belarusians, Russians, Rusyns, and Ukrainians.

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  • East Slavic — East′ Slav′ic n. peo the branch of Slavic that includes Ukrainian, Belorussian, and Russian …   From formal English to slang

  • Slav|ic — «SLAH vihk, SLAV », adjective, noun. –adj. of or having to do with the Slavs or their languages; Slavonic: »Slavic origin, Slavic heritage, Slavic music. –n. a language or the group of languages spoken by the Slavs, including West Slavic (Polish …   Useful english dictionary

  • Slav — /slahv, slav/, n. 1. one of a group of peoples in eastern, southeastern, and central Europe, including the Russians and Ruthenians (Eastern Slavs), the Bulgars, Serbs, Croats, Slavonians, Slovenes, etc. (Southern Slavs), and the Poles, Czechs,… …   Universalium

  • Slav — noun Etymology: Middle English Sclav, from Medieval Latin Sclavus, from Late Greek Sklabos, from Sklabēnoi Slavs, of Slavic origin; akin to Old Russian Slověne, an East Slavic tribe Date: 14th century a person whose native tongue is a Slavic… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Baltic States — Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and sometimes Finland. * * * Republics of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, situated on the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea. The name has sometimes been used to include Finland and Poland. They were created as… …   Universalium

  • Lithuania — Lithuanic /lith ooh an ik/, adj., n. /lith ooh ay nee euh/, n. a republic in N Europe, on the Baltic: an independent state 1918 40; annexed by the Soviet Union 1940; regained independence 1991. 3,635,932; 25,174 sq. mi. (65,200 sq. km). Cap.:… …   Universalium

  • Minsk — For other uses, see Minsk (disambiguation). Minsk Мінск, Минск …   Wikipedia

  • List of English words of Russian origin — Including English, contain words most likely borrowed from the Russian language. Not all of the words are truly fluent Russian or Slavic origin. Some of them co exist in other Slavic languages and it is difficult to decide whether they made… …   Wikipedia

  • History of Belarus — This article describes the history of Belarus. The Belarusian ethnos is traced at least as far in time as other East Slavs. After an initial period of independent feudal consolidation, Belarusian lands were incorporated into the Grand Duchy of… …   Wikipedia

  • History of Lithuania — The history of Lithuania dates back to at least 1009, the first recorded written use of the term.[1] Lithuanians, a branch of the Baltic peoples, later conquered neighboring lands, establishing the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and in the 13th century …   Wikipedia

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