- bodyboard
- 1. nounA piece of foam, usually rectangular in shape, upon which one sits or lays when bodyboardingSee Also: bodyboarder, bodyboarding2. verbTo surf riding a bodyboard
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
Bodyboard — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Bodyboarder o bugger surfeando un tubo en North Shore (Oahu) El bodyboarding o Tablacuerpo es un deporte basado en el deslizamiento sobre la superficie aun sin romper de una ola con una tabla de espuma sintética de… … Wikipedia Español
bodyboard — UK [ˈbɒdi ˌbɔː(r)d] US [ˈbɑdi ˌbɔrd] noun [countable] [singular bodyboard plural bodyboards] a type of small surfboard , used for waves that are close to the land Thesaurus: surfing and other … Useful english dictionary
Bodyboard — ● Bodyboard nom masculin (de l anglais body, corps, et board, planche [nom déposé]) Planche courte sur laquelle on surfe couché ou à genoux ; sport pratiqué avec cette planche … Encyclopédie Universelle
bodyboard — |bòdiborde| s. m. [Esporte] Esporte semelhante ao surf, mas menos veloz e praticado de bruços sobre a prancha. • Plural: bodyboards. ‣ Etimologia: palavra inglesa … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
Bodyboard — Bodyboarder dans un tube à Hawaii … Wikipédia en Français
Bodyboard — Bodyboarding auf Ozeanwellen vor Hawaii … Deutsch Wikipedia
bodyboard — UK [ˈbɒdɪ ˌbɔː(r)d] / US [ˈbɑdɪ ˌbɔrd] noun [countable] Word forms bodyboard : singular bodyboard plural bodyboards a type of small surfboard, used for waves that are close to the land … English dictionary
bodyboard — {{#}}{{LM B05620}}{{〓}} {{[}}bodyboard{{]}} {{■}}(ing.){{□}} {{《}}▍ s.m.{{》}} Surf que se practica tumbado y sobre una tabla más pequeña que la normal: • He visto un reportaje sobre el bodyboard que se practica en las playas de Tarifa.{{○}}… … Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos
bodyboard — bod·y·board also bod·y board (bŏdʹē bôrd , bōrd ) n. A very short surfboard with one straight end, ridden usually by lying on one s chest. intr.v. bod·y·board·ed, bod·y·board·ing, bod·y·boards To surf on a bodyboard. bodʹy·board er n. * * * … Universalium
bodyboard — n. short and light surfboard having one straight end (ridden by lying on the chest) v. surf on a bodyboard … English contemporary dictionary