
Describing a group having an invariant normal series where all the factors are cyclic groups

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  • Supersolvable group — In mathematics, a group is supersolvable (or supersoluble) if it has an invariant normal series where all the factors are cyclic groups. Supersolvablility is stronger than the notion of solvability.DefinitionLet G be a group. G is supersolvable… …   Wikipedia

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  • Polycyclic group — In mathematics, especially in the area of abstract algebra known as group theory, a polycyclic group is a solvable group that satisfies the maximal condition on subgroups (that is, every subgroup is finitely generated).Equivalently, a group G is… …   Wikipedia

  • Complemented group — In mathematics, in the realm of group theory, the term complemented group is used in two distinct, but similar ways. In (Hall 1937), a complemented group is one in which every subgroup has a group theoretic complement. Such groups are called… …   Wikipedia

  • Metacyclic group — In group theory, a metacyclic group is an extension of a cyclic group by a cyclic group. That is, it is a group G for which there is a short exact sequence where H and K are cyclic. Equivalently, a metacyclic group is a group G having a cyclic… …   Wikipedia

  • Z-group — In mathematics, especially in the area of algebra known as group theory, the term Z group refers to a number of distinct types of groups: * in the study of finite groups, a Z group is a finite groups whose Sylow subgroups are all cyclic. * in the …   Wikipedia

  • Monomial group — In mathematics, in the area of algebra studying the character theory of finite groups, an M group or monomial group is a finite group whose complex irreducible characters are all monomial, that is, induced from characters of degree 1 (Isaacs… …   Wikipedia

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