defeasible fee

defeasible fee
An estate in land that may be divested from its current owner upon the occurrence of an event set forth by the grantor in the grant.

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  • defeasible fee — see fee 1 Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • defeasible fee — See determinable fee …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • fee — n [Middle English, fief, from Old French fé fief, ultimately from a Germanic word akin to Old High German fehu cattle] 1: an inheritable freehold estate in real property; esp: fee simple compare leasehold; life estate at estate …   Law dictionary

  • defeasible — de·fea·si·ble /di fē zə bəl/ adj: subject to or capable of being annulled or made void a defeasible interest his rights are not defeasible by agreement J. D. Calamari and J. M. Perillo Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • fee simple — fee sim·ple n pl fees simple [simple without limitation (as to heirs) and unrestricted (as to transfer of ownership)]: a fee that is alienable (as by deed, will, or intestacy) and of potentially indefinite duration; esp: fee simple absolute in… …   Law dictionary

  • fee simple — Typically, words fee simple standing alone create an absolute estate in devisee and such words followed by a condition or special limitation create a defeasible fee. Babb v. Rand, Me., 345 A.2d 496, 498. === Absolute. A fee simple absolute is an… …   Black's law dictionary

  • fee simple — Typically, words fee simple standing alone create an absolute estate in devisee and such words followed by a condition or special limitation create a defeasible fee. Babb v. Rand, Me., 345 A.2d 496, 498. === Absolute. A fee simple absolute is an… …   Black's law dictionary

  • defeasible — Subject to be defeated, annulled, revoked, or undone upon the happening of a future event or the performance of a condition subsequent, or by a conditional limitation. An estate which is not absolute, i.e., one which is determinable or subject to …   Black's law dictionary

  • defeasible — Subject to be defeated, annulled, revoked, or undone upon the happening of a future event or the performance of a condition subsequent, or by a conditional limitation. An estate which is not absolute, i.e., one which is determinable or subject to …   Black's law dictionary

  • fee simple — Synonyms and related words: adverse possession, alodium, burgage, claim, colony, copyhold, de facto, de jure, dependency, derivative title, equitable estate, estate at sufferance, estate for life, estate for years, estate in expectancy, estate in …   Moby Thesaurus

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