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Kvetch — est une pièce de théâtre de Steven Berkoff publiée en 1986. Avec Kvetch, Berkoff s exerce à nouveau dans le genre du récit, ce récit dramatique qui donne à ses pièces une existence particulière, un relief stylistique et une signature personnelle … Wikipédia en Français
kvetch — [kvetʃ] v [i]AmE informal [Date: 1900 2000; : Yiddish; Origin: kvetshn to press firmly, complain ] to keep complaining >kvetch n … Dictionary of contemporary English
kvetch — kvetch; kvetch·er; … English syllables
kvetch — (v.) to complain, whine, 1953 (implied in kvetching), from Yiddish kvetshn, lit. squeeze, press, from Ger. quetsche crusher, presser. As a noun, from 1936 as a term of abuse for a person … Etymology dictionary
kvetch — ☆ kvetch [kə vech′ ] vi. [< Yiddish kvechen < Ger quetschen, to pinch, squeeze < MHG quetsen < IE base * gwedh , to injure, destroy] Slang 1. to be urgent or insistent; press; strain 2. to complain in a nagging or whining way n. Slang … English World dictionary
kvetch — kvetch1 [ kvetʃ ] verb intransitive AMERICAN VERY INFORMAL to complain a lot or often kvetch kvetch 2 [ kvetʃ ] noun count AMERICAN VERY INFORMAL someone who kvetches … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
kvetch — AND quetch [kvetj AND kAvetJ] 1. in. to complain. (From German quetschen, ‘to squeeze,’ via Yiddish.) □ Quit your kvetching! □ He quetches from dawn to dusk. 2. n. a complainer. □ What a kvetch you are! … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
kvetch — (kvehtch) [Yiddish, from German] To complain, grumble, or whine, especially habitually. One who kvetches is a kvetcher. The majority joined the group to gossip and kvetch about their employers … Dictionary of foreign words and phrases
kvetch — verb (I) AmE informal to continually complain about something kvetch noun (C) … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
kvetch — [[t]kvɛtʃ[/t]] sl. 1) cvb sts to complain, esp. chronically 2) cvb sts Also, kvetch′er. a person who kvetches • Etymology: 1950–55; < Yiddish kvetshn lit., to squeeze; cf. MHG, G quetschen … From formal English to slang