- skurf
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
skurf´er — skurf «skurf», intransitive verb. Slang. to ride on a skateboard: »Hundreds of vacationing teen agers chanting “we want to skurf” wheeled to City Hall…on their skateboards (Toronto Globe and Mail). ╂[blend of skate and surf] –skurf´er, noun … Useful english dictionary
skurf — «skurf», intransitive verb. Slang. to ride on a skateboard: »Hundreds of vacationing teen agers chanting “we want to skurf” wheeled to City Hall…on their skateboards (Toronto Globe and Mail). ╂[blend of skate and surf] –skurf´er, noun … Useful english dictionary
skurf — [ska^f] in. to skateboard. (From the words skate and surf.) □ He skurfed from city hall to the post office. □ My mom won’t let me skurf anymore … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
skurf|ing — «SKUR fihng», noun. = skateboarding. (Cf. ↑skateboarding) … Useful english dictionary
Wakeboard — Fédération internationale International Waterski Wakeboard Federation (IWWF) Principale instance Fédération Française de Ski Nautique et de Wakeboard … Wikipédia en Français
Wake-board — Wakeboard Le wakeboard (de l anglais wake, sillage, et board, planche) est un sport nautique qui a été créé au début des années 80 à partir d une combinaison de techniques de ski nautique, de snowboard et surf. Sommaire 1 Histoire de la… … Wikipédia en Français
Wake board — Wakeboard Le wakeboard (de l anglais wake, sillage, et board, planche) est un sport nautique qui a été créé au début des années 80 à partir d une combinaison de techniques de ski nautique, de snowboard et surf. Sommaire 1 Histoire de la… … Wikipédia en Français
Longboard (skateboard) — This page is about skating Longboards, see longboard (surfing) for information about longboards of the surfboard variety. A longboard is a skateboard with a longer and sometimes wider shape used for longboarding. They are most commonly used for… … Wikipedia
Longboarding — is the act of riding, on or performing tricks with, a longboard. A person who rides a longboard is referred to as a longboarder.Longboarding is variety of skateboarding, a relatively modern sport mdash;that originated as sidewalk surfing in the… … Wikipedia
Driffield Navigation — The restored swing bridge at Brigham Original owner Driffield Navigation Commissioners Date of act 1767 … Wikipedia