- extrasolar
Some comets are thought to have an extrasolar origin.
b) Of or originating in a solar system other than EarthsA four-inch telescope was once used to find an extrasolar planet.
Wikipedia foundation.
Some comets are thought to have an extrasolar origin.
A four-inch telescope was once used to find an extrasolar planet.
Wikipedia foundation.
extrasolar — [spelling only] … English World dictionary
extrasolar — adjective Date: 1872 originating or existing outside the solar system < extrasolar planets > … New Collegiate Dictionary
extrasolar — adj. Extrasolar is used with these nouns: ↑planet … Collocations dictionary
extrasolar — {{#}}{{LM E44503}}{{〓}} {{[}}extrasolar{{]}} ‹ex·tra·so·lar› {{《}}▍ adj.inv.{{》}} Que está fuera del sistema solar … Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos
extrasolar — ˌ adjective Etymology: extra + solar : originating or existing outside the solar system extrasolar life … Useful english dictionary
Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia — exoplanet.eu Kommerziell Nein Beschreibung Internetpräsenz zur Forschung im Bereich der Exoplaneten Sprachen 8 Sprachversionen (darunter D … Deutsch Wikipedia
Extrasolar planet — Planet Fomalhaut b (inset against Fomalhaut s interplanetary dust cloud) imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope s coronagraph (NASA photo) … Wikipedia
Extrasolar moon — An extrasolar moon, or exomoon, is a term that refers to a smaller, natural (non man made) satellite that orbits an extrasolar planet or other extrasolar body larger than itself. Definition of satellites around brown dwarfs While traditional… … Wikipedia
extrasolar planet — ▪ astronomy also called exoplanet any planetary body that orbits a star other than the Sun. The first extrasolar planets were discovered in 1992, and within 15 years some 250 were known. Because planets are much fainter than the stars they… … Universalium
Extrasolar — Objekte des Sonnensystems Planeten des Sonnensystems, nach Größe geordnet, mit dem Sonnenrand zum Vergleich. Sonne Innere Planeten 1. Merkur … Deutsch Wikipedia