- trophy veep
A Vice Presidential candidate selected for his or her youth or attractiveness rather than his or her experience or ability to assume the Office of the Presidency.
The first Trophy Veep?... Such penetrating questions may (or may not) explain why Jennings gets the big bucks, but nothing explains why Edwards is the man to stand that one heartbeat we hear about away from the presidency. And this is the point that dispels all goose bumps: John Edwards may be Peter Jennings idea of a good lawyer, but a career of arguing cases before North Carolina juries, even augmented by five years in the U.S. Senate, has in no way given John Edwards the foreign policy expertise essential to supporting or possibly assuming the presidency in the middle of this global war on jihadist terrorism. The bankruptcy of Kerrys first presidential judgment is staggering. This, for Bush supporters, should be a relief.
Wikipedia foundation.