- nonconvertible
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
nonconvertible — [spelling only] … English World dictionary
nonconvertible — “+ adjective : not convertible nonconvertible bonds * * * adj.; nonconvertibleness, n.; nonconvertibly, adv … Useful english dictionary
Nonconvertible Currency — Any currency that is used primarily for domestic transactions and is not openly traded on a forex market. This usually is a result of government restrictions, which prevent it from being exchanged for foreign currencies. Also known as a blocked… … Investment dictionary
nonconvertible — adj.; nonconvertibleness, n.; nonconvertibly, adv. * * * … Universalium
nonconvertible — adj. cannot be changed, cannot be converted … English contemporary dictionary
nonconvertible — non·convertible … English syllables
Fiat money — Nonconvertible paper money. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * Paper money issued by a government that is not convertible into gold or silver. It derives its purchasing power simply from the authority and reputation of the government … Financial and business terms
fiat money — Nonconvertible paper money. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * Paper money issued by a government that is not convertible into gold or silver. It derives its purchasing power simply from the authority and reputation of the government … Financial and business terms
ВАЛЮТА НЕКОНВЕРТИРУЕМАЯ — (nonconvertible currency) валюта, которая не обменивается на валютных рынках на другие виды валют. Как правило, режим неконвертируемости сопровождается жесткой системой валютного контроля со стороны государства. Характерна для стран с… … Внешнеэкономический толковый словарь
convertible ARM — An ARM for which the borrower has the option to convert from a floating rate loan to a fixed rate loan. Convertible ARMs can typically be converted in the first through fifth years of the mortgage loan. Because borrowers can exercise their… … Financial and business terms