take sitting down

take sitting down
To tolerate, accept, or acquiesce; to take no action.

I hope he doesnt think he can get away with such an thing. Im not going to take this sitting down.

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  • down — down1 [ daun ] function word *** Down can be used in the following ways: as a preposition (followed by a noun): She was walking down the street. as an adverb (without a following noun): She lay down and fell asleep. after the verb to be : Oil… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • take — takable, takeable, adj. taker, n. /tayk/, v., took, taken, taking, n. v.t. 1. to get into one s hold or possession by voluntary action: to take a cigarette out of a box; to take a pen and begin to write. 2. to hold, grasp, or grip: to take a book …   Universalium

  • take — [[t]teɪk[/t]] v. took, tak•en, tak•ing, n. 1) to get into one s hands or possession by voluntary action: Take the book, please[/ex] 2) to hold, grasp, or grip: to take a child by the hand[/ex] 3) to get into one s possession or control by force… …   From formal English to slang

  • down — 1 /daUn/ adverb 1 from above towards a lower place or position: David bent down to tie his shoelace. | The sun beat down on their heads all day long. 2 at a lower place or position than usual: You can t cross here, the bridge is down. 3 at or… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • take a load off one's feet — {v. phr.} To alleviate one s fatigue by sitting down during some taxing work. * / You ve been standing there for hours, Jake, John said. Why don t you take a load off your feet? / …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • take a load off one's feet — {v. phr.} To alleviate one s fatigue by sitting down during some taxing work. * / You ve been standing there for hours, Jake, John said. Why don t you take a load off your feet? / …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • take\ a\ load\ off\ one's\ feet — v. phr. To alleviate one s fatigue by sitting down during some taxing work. You ve been standing there for hours, Jake, John said. Why don t you take a load off your feet? …   Словарь американских идиом

  • Sitting on Top of the World — (also rendered as Sittin on Top of the World ) is a folk blues song written by Walter Vinson (also known as Walter Jacobs) and Lonnie Chatmon, core members of the Mississippi Sheiks, a popular country blues band of the 1930s. Walter Vinson… …   Wikipedia

  • down — down1 [doun] adv. [ME doun < adune, adown < OE adune, ofdune, from the hill < a , of , off, from + dune, dat. of dun, hill: see DOWN3] 1. from a higher to a lower place; toward the ground 2. in, on, or to a lower position or level;… …   English World dictionary

  • take a pew — british spoken phrase used for telling someone in a friendly way to sit down with you Thesaurus: in a sitting positionsynonym Main entry: pew …   Useful english dictionary

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