- apanthropinisation
- noun /æpænˌθɹəʊpɪnaɪˈzeɪʃən/<ref name="OED"/> The broadening of the ambit of one’s preoccupations and concerns away from a narrow focus on those things most palpably human and most closely pertinent to humanity.<ref name="OED"/><ref name="DEE">“apanthropinization” listed [ on pages 50–51] of Joseph Twadell Shipley’s Dictionary of Early English (1955; Philosophical Library)</ref>
In short, the primitive human conception of beauty must, I believe, have been purely anthropinistic — must have gathered mainly around the personality of man or woman ; and all its subsequent history must be that of an apanthropinisation (I apologise for the ugly but convenient word), a gradual regression or concentric widening of æsthetic feeling around this fixed point which remains to the very last its natural centre.
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