- prolocutor
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Prolocutor — Prol o*cu tor, n. [L., from proloqui, p. p. prolocutus, to speak out; pro for + loqui to speak.] [1913 Webster] 1. One who speaks for another. Jeffrey. [1913 Webster] 2. The presiding officer of a convocation. Macaulay. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
prolocutor — index procurator, spokesman Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
PROLOCUTOR — vide supra Praeocutor … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
prolocutor — [prō läk′yo͞o tər, prō läk′yətər] n. [L, an advocate < pp. of proloqui, to declare < pro, for + loqui, to speak] 1. a spokesman 2. a chairman … English World dictionary
Prolocutor — A prolocutor is one who speaks for others (Lat. pro , for, and loqui , to speak); specifically the chairman of the lower house of convocation in the two provinces of the Church of England, who presides in that house and acts as representative and … Wikipedia
prolocutor — prolocutorship, n. /proh lok yeuh teuhr/, n. 1. a presiding officer of an assembly; chairperson. 2. Ch. of Eng. the chairperson of the lower house of a convocation. [1400 50; late ME: one who speaks for another < L prolocutor one who speaks out,… … Universalium
prolocutor — pro•loc•u•tor [[t]proʊˈlɒk yə tər[/t]] n. 1) a presiding officer; chairperson 2) a spokesperson • Etymology: 1400–50; late ME: one who speaks for another < L prōlocūtor one who speaks out … From formal English to slang
prolocutor — /pral6k(y)atar/prowlok(y)atar/ In ecclesiastical law, the president or chairman of a convocation. The speaker of the house of lords is called the prolocutor. The office belongs to the lord chancellor by prescription … Black's law dictionary
prolocutor — noun Etymology: Middle English, from Latin, from pro for + locutor speaker, from loqui to speak Date: 15th century 1. one who speaks for another ; spokesman 2. presiding officer ; chairman … New Collegiate Dictionary
prolocutor — [ prəʊləˌkju:tə, prɒl , prə(ʊ) lɒkjʊtə] noun 1》 a chairperson of the lower house of convocation in a province of the Church of England. 2》 archaic or formal a spokesman. Origin ME: from L., from prolocut , proloqui speak out , from pro before +… … English new terms dictionary