- reassociation
b) A return to a close relationship
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reassociation — re·as·so·ci·a·tion .rē ə .sō s(h)ē ā shən n the act of reassociating or state of being reassociated <DNA reassociation> … Medical dictionary
reassociation — n. * * * … Universalium
reassociation — re·association … English syllables
reassociation — “+ noun 1. : the act of reassociating or state of being reassociated 2. : the restoration of lost memories and behavior patterns opposed to dissociation * * * n … Useful english dictionary
NUCLÉIQUES (ACIDES) — Découverts en 1868 par le biologiste suisse Friedrich Mischer dans les noyaux cellulaires, d’où leur nom (du latin nucleus , noyau), et également présents dans le cytoplasme, les acides nucléiques sont des molécules d’origine naturelle qui jouent … Encyclopédie Universelle
Cot analysis — C0t analysis, also known as DNA reassociation kinetics, is a biochemical technique that measures how much repetitive DNA is in a genome.[1] It is used to study genome structure and organization and has also been used to simplify the sequencing of … Wikipedia
IEEE 802.11r-2008 — or fast BSS transition (FT) is an amendment to the IEEE 802.11 standard to permit continuous connectivity aboard wireless devices in motion, with fast and secure handoffs from one base station to another managed in a seamless manner.Rationale for … Wikipedia
Chlamydophila — Scientific classification Domain: Bacteria Phylum: Chlamydiae Class: Chla … Wikipedia
hybridization — 1. The process of breeding a hybrid. 2. Crossing over between related but nonallelic genes. 3. The specific reassociation of complementary strands of polynucleic acids; e.g., the formation of a DNA RNA hybrid. 4. The process or act of forming a… … Medical dictionary
CHROMOSOMES — Le terme de chromosome («corps coloré») a été introduit par Waldeyer en 1888 pour désigner les organites du noyau qui fixent facilement les colorants basiques. Chez les Eucaryotes, où le noyau est séparé du reste de la cellule par une membrane,… … Encyclopédie Universelle