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séroconversion — [ serokɔ̃vɛrsjɔ̃ ] n. f. • v. 1986; de séro et conversion ♦ Méd. Le fait, pour un sujet séronégatif, de devenir séropositif ou, plus rarement, l inverse. ● séroconversion nom féminin Apparition, dans le sérum d un malade, d un anticorps… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Seroconversion — is the development of detectable specific antibodies to microorganisms in the blood serum as a result of infection or immunization. Serology (the testing for antibodies) is used to determine antibody positivity. Prior to seroconversion, the blood … Wikipedia
seroconversión — Modificación de las pruebas serológicas de negativo a positivo a medida que aparecen anticuerpos como respuesta a una infección o vacuna. Diccionario Mosby Medicina, Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 … Diccionario médico
seroconversion — [sir΄ō kən vʉr′zhən] n. Immunology the process of producing antibodies in response to a specific antigen * * * se·ro·con·ver·sion (sîr ō kən vûrʹzhən, shən) n. Development of antibodies in blood serum as a result of infection or immunization. … … Universalium
seroconversion — [sir΄ō kən vʉr′zhən] n. Immunology the process of producing antibodies in response to a specific antigen … English World dictionary
Séroconversion — La séroconversion désigne la phase au cours d’une maladie infectieuse où les anticorps apparaissent suffisamment dans le sang pour qu’on puisse les doser. La séroconversion d’une manière générale concerne toutes les infections qui induisent la… … Wikipédia en Français
Seroconversion — The development of detectable antibodies in the blood directed against an infectious agent. It normally takes some time for antibodies to develop after the initial exposure to the agent. Following seroconversion, a person tests positive in tests… … Medical dictionary
seroconversion — noun Date: 1963 the production of antibodies in response to an antigen • seroconvert intransitive verb … New Collegiate Dictionary
seroconversion — se·ro·conversion … English syllables
seroconversion — /ˌsɪəroʊkənˈvɜʒən/ (say .searrohkuhn verzhuhn) noun the development of detectable antibodies to HIV in the blood serum as a result of infection …