- bioavailability
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
bioavailability — [bī΄ōə vā΄lə bil′ə tē] n. the rate at which a drug, trace element, etc. enters the bloodstream and is circulated to specific organs or tissues … English World dictionary
Bioavailability — In pharmacology, bioavailability (BA) is a subcategory of absorption and is used to describe the fraction of an administered dose of unchanged drug that reaches the systemic circulation, one of the principal pharmacokinetic properties of drugs.… … Wikipedia
bioavailability — noun Date: 1971 the degree and rate at which a substance (as a drug) is absorbed into a living system or is made available at the site of physiological activity • bioavailable adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
Bioavailability — … Википедия
bioavailability — Relative amount of a drug (or other substance) that will reach the systemic circulation when administered by a route other than direct intravenous injection … Dictionary of molecular biology
bioavailability — bioavailable, adj. /buy oh euh vay leuh bil i tee/, n. Biochem. the extent to which a nutrient or medication can be used by the body. [1965 70; BIO + AVAILABILITY] * * * … Universalium
bioavailability — The physiological availability of a given amount of a drug, as distinct from its chemical potency; proportion of the administered dose which is absorbed into the bloodstream. * * * bio·avail·abil·i·ty ə .vā lə bil ət ē n, pl ties the degree and… … Medical dictionary
Bioavailability — Bi|o|a|vail|a|bi|li|ty [baɪɔɔveɪlɔ bɪlɪtɪ; bio ; engl. availability = Verfügbarkeit], die; , …ities: svw. ↑ Bioverfügbarkeit … Universal-Lexikon
bioavailability — The state of being capable of being absorbed and available to interact with the metabolic processes of an organism. Typically a function of chemical properties, physical state of the material to which an organism is exposed, and the ability of… … Petroleum refining glossary
bioavailability — n. extent and rate which a drug (or other substance) is absorbed and becomes available in a physiologically active form … English contemporary dictionary