- rectangular coordinates
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rectangular coordinates — n. CARTESIAN COORDINATES … English World dictionary
rectangular coordinates — stačiakampės koordinatės statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. grid coordinates; orthogonal coordinates; rectangular coordinates vok. orthogonale Koordinaten, f; rechtwinklige Koordinaten, f rus. ортогональные координаты, f; прямоугольные… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Rectangular coordinates — Coordinate Co*[ o]r di*nate, n. 1. A thing of the same rank with another thing; one two or more persons or things of equal rank, authority, or importance. [1913 Webster] It has neither co[ o]rdinate nor analogon; it is absolutely one. Coleridge.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
rectangular coordinates — Math. a coordinate system in which the axes meet at right angles. Also called rectangular coordinate system. [1860 65] * * * … Universalium
rectangular coordinates — Math. a coordinate system in which the axes meet at right angles. Also called rectangular coordinate system. [1860 65] … Useful english dictionary
rectangular coordinates — plural noun a pair of coordinates measured along axes at right angles to one another … English new terms dictionary
rectangular coordinates — rectan′gular coor′dinates n. math. a coordinate system in which the axes meet at right angles. Also called rectan′gular coor′dinate sys tem … From formal English to slang
rectangular — adj. 1 a shaped like a rectangle. b having the base or sides or section shaped like a rectangle. 2 a placed at right angles. b having parts or lines placed at right angles. Phrases and idioms: rectangular coordinates coordinates measured along… … Useful english dictionary
coordinates — Linear or angular quantities which designate the position that a point occupies in a given reference frame or system. Also used as a general term to designate the particular kind of reference frame or system such as plane rectangular coordinates… … Military dictionary
rectangular coordinate — noun : either of two Cartesian coordinates which have two or three dimensions and in which the axes are mutually at right angles … Useful english dictionary