- flong
1892: Stereotyping, the Papier Mache Process, Charles Sumner Partridge
Wikipedia foundation.
1892: Stereotyping, the Papier Mache Process, Charles Sumner Partridge
Wikipedia foundation.
Flong — is a term in printing which refers to a kind of stereotype used in a rotary press.Invented in Lyon in 1829 by the French printer Claude Genoux, a flong was a papier mâché mould taken of a set of type which could then be curved to fit the cylinder … Wikipedia
Flong — (? or ?), obs. imp. & p. p. of {Fling}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Flong — Flong, n. [Of the same origin as flawn, flan, a metal disk.] (Stereotyping) A compressed mass of paper sheets, forming a matrix or mold for stereotype plates. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fløng — is a small town in Denmark located on Zealand, situated between Copenhagen and Roskilde. The city has approximately 4,000 inhabitants … Wikipedia
flong — /flong, flawng/, n. Print. the material of which a stereotype mold is made. [1875 80; alter. of F flan FLAN] * * * … Universalium
Flong — Original name in latin Flng Name in other language Flong, Flng State code DK Continent/City Europe/Copenhagen longitude 55.66212 latitude 12.18698 altitude 27 Population 11108 Date 2012 01 17 … Cities with a population over 1000 database
flong — Junk email sent by well meaning co workers, friends. and often by relatives new to the net. Can you believe it? My own mother sent me some lightbulb joke flong yesterday … Dictionary of american slang
flong — Junk email sent by well meaning co workers, friends. and often by relatives new to the net. Can you believe it? My own mother sent me some lightbulb joke flong yesterday … Dictionary of american slang
Fløng — Sp Fliòngas Ap Fløng L Danija … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
flong — /flɒŋ/ (say flong) noun (in printing) paper or other material from which a stereotype mould is made. {alteration of French flan flan} …