- dichromatism
b) A form of colourblindness in which only two of the three primary colours can be distingished
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Dichromatism — Di*chro ma*tism, n. The state of being dichromatic. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dichromatism — [dī krō′mə tiz΄əm] n. 1. the quality or condition of being dichromatic 2. color blindness in which a person can see only two of the three primary colors (red, green, and blue) 3. DICHROISM … English World dictionary
Dichromatism — For colour blindness, see Dichromacy. Dichromatism (or polychromatism) is a phenomenon where the hue of the colour in materials or solutions are dependent on both the concentration of the absorbing substance and the depth or thickness of the… … Wikipedia
dichromatism — Also known as dichromatopsia, dyschromatopsia, and parachromatopsia. The term dichroma tism comes from the Greek words dis (twice) and chroma (colour). It refers to a type of *colour vision deficiency in which one of the three colour receptor… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
dichromatism — dichromatizmas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. dichromatism vok. Dichromatismus, m rus. дихроматизм, m pranc. dichromatisme, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
dichromatism — noun Date: circa 1901 partial color blindness in which only two colors are perceptible … New Collegiate Dictionary
dichromatism — /duy kroh meuh tiz euhm/, n. 1. the quality or state of being dichromatic. 2. Also called dichromatopsia /duy kroh meuh top see euh/. Ophthalm. a defect of vision in which the retina responds to only two of the three primary colors. Cf.… … Universalium
dichromatism — 1. The state of being dichromatic (1). 2. The abnormality of color vision in which only two of the three retinal cone pigments are present, as in protanopia, deuteranopia, and tritanopia. SYN … Medical dictionary
dichromatism — n. being of two colors; form of color blindness (also dichromatopsia) … English contemporary dictionary
dichromatism — [dʌɪ krəʊmətɪz(ə)m] noun 1》 the occurrence of two different kinds of colouring, especially in an animal species. 2》 colour blindness in which only two of the three primary colours can be discerned. Derivatives dichromatic adjective … English new terms dictionary