
One who flunks an academic course.

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  • loser — [n] person, thing that fails also ran*, deadbeat*, defeated, disadvantaged, downand outer*, dud*, failure, flop*, flunkee*, hasbeen, underdog, underprivileged; concepts 412,423,433 Ant. achiever, success, winner …   New thesaurus

  • flunk-out — «FLUHNGK OWT», noun. U.S. Informal. a person who flunks out; flunkee: »a college flunk out …   Useful english dictionary

  • push|out — «PUSH OWT», noun. 1. a part or piece to be pushed out, such as a panel or an antenna. 2. = punch out. (Cf. ↑punch out) 3. U.S. Informal. a student who drops out of school for failing in his studies; flunkee: »Much of the work of anti drout… …   Useful english dictionary

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